Kitty’s Crush is a weekly feature that highlights and champions emerging entrepreneurs, creatives and cultural forces of today. We keep it cute, get to the point, but we make sure to ask what you want to know from the people who we feel are killing it! Make this your destination to be inspired by your peers, learn about their journey and be empowered to embark on your own.

Illustration by: Mia Coleman

Designer, Jameel Mohammed is changing the jewelry game with statement pieces inspired by the African diaspora, all while completing a Political Science degree at an Ivy League college.  Check out what he's currently crushing on, his advice on being an entrepreneur and how he created his own wave in the high-end jewelry industry.

1. Name

Jameel Mohammed

2. Where are you from?


3. What is your sign?


4. What do you do? Can you tell me about your journey?

I design! I started out in RTW (ready to wear) but made the transition to focusing on jewelry about 2 years ago.

5. How would you describe the KHIRY brand in 3 words?

Bold, Intelligent, Sleek.

6. In your lookbook you discuss the need for a new perspective in the luxury fashion world.  What made you choose jewelry as your medium?

I actually started my career in ready to wear, but I wanted to make pieces that would immediately feel significant and substantial and intimate to the customer. Jewelry is such a personal thing, and it occupies such a treasured place in our lives. I wanted KHIRY to evoke that same feeling from the beginning, so jewelry was a natural starting point.

7. Best advice for someone looking to get into your field?

Zero in on what makes you different, and lean into it. Fashion is such a crowded industry. The people who really break through are the ones that manage to say something really honest and personal.

8. How do you stay inspired to push for new content each season?

Life has a way of throwing things at you! I'm constantly looking for new inspiration; reading, watching old movies, stuff like that. I'm also really inspired by politics, and I think of my work as an outlet for my frustration with our current political situation. I think if you're paying attention it's tough not to have a lot to say. KHIRY is my platform to let it out.

9. How is it being an entrepreneur? Why haven't you given up?

It's definitely tough, but over time you gain this odd sort of confidence. There's constantly fires springing up and unexpected problems, but it teaches you to be agile and find solutions. Over time, I've definitely built up this sort of confidence in my ability to work things out, which only makes me want to take on bigger goals and projects.

10. What are you currently crushing on?

Combat boots and Black Turtlenecks

11. Best advice?

I think the best advice I've received, (which I'm totally still working on), is that you have to lead a complete life. At the end of the day, a career is important and rewarding and all, but you have to make your whole life work too.

12. Your Motto?

"Life goes on"

13. Your biggest regret?

None really thus far.

14. Do you have any hobbies? If not, is there anything new you would want to try out?

I danced in high school, training in ballet and modern. I'd really like to start again soon.

15. Anything else you think we should know but didn't ask?

I'm single!


Jewelry images are all from the Spring '17 collection.

Check out KHIRY Jewelry's SS17 lookbook @

IG: jkmohammed_