If you have ever planned an event, then you know no matter what it just gets chaotic. Despite all the planning and all triple checking something just so happens to go wrong. Well, technically nothing went wrong minus the 650 RSVP's we got for a venue that held 130 people! ahhaha

Pre all of the madness before my event I was able to bask in that moment of pure joy. When your make up is perfect ( which means for me, minimal and as natural as possible) and out fit is above and beyond this world. To calm my nerves the Brooklyn gal in me decided to head to the corner store for some quick snacks and coconut water.

We turned the store run into a photo shoot and this is what happened! Check out the pics below!

Top: Off-White

Skirt: Adam Selman

Shoes: Brother Vellies

Jacket: Vintage

Photography: @a_kid_named_trav